We can customize your own trip based on your personal and/or professional envision. We will provide a tentative itinerary and let you know the OFAC category of travel to Cuba that you can apply to according to the purpose of your trip. Some of our areas of focus, but not limited, are the following:
- Arts and Architecture
- Community Projects
- Health and Education
- Economics
- Politicts
- Religion and Culture
- Language and Literature
- Social Movements
In order to customize your itinerary, please, check the following steps:
In order to begin planning, go to contact us and let us know your expectations for your Cuba trip. Once we receive your request, we will respond promptly. We will be delighted to coordinate your Cuba program
Our specialists will carefully create an itinerary, costs, and payments deadlines for your approval. Our program strives to immerse participants in many of the the historical, economic, cultural and socio-politics aspects of Cuba. At this point you will have the option of continue working on it until you make your ideal itinerary, or agreeing with the proposal.
The final step is to start the process of filling all the necessary paperwork and the payment process accordingly to the deadlines set.